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Online Video Poker

Video poker is a lot more about video than it is about poker, there's no doubt about that. The game itself is like a fusion of a slot machine and a game of five-card draw. Although you try to get the best five-card poker hand, you don't play against other players and the payout for each holding is fixed. So you need to know the poker hand ranking, but then the game has nothing to do with poker strategy.

Video poker is a very popular game for those who like to play slots and amongst casino players who understand the need to play casino games that offer the smallest house edge to the casino. Games like 9/6 Jacks or Better and Pick 'em Poker offer the casino less than a half percent edge. This means that they offer the best chance for a winning session and an opportunity to extend your play based on your bankroll. To reach these percentages of return you will have to play good video poker strategy. This is one of the main goals of Video Poker Dude. To help you become the best video poker player you can.

Playing free video poker is not as easy as it may seem. The perfect strategy is quite complex, but if you manage to learn it, you can cut down the house edge to almost zero - and sometimes you can even get an advantage over the casino. Video Poker is one of few games that has the nice benefit that you can choose the game that is most favourable. Depending on which machine you choose the advantage is between 2.5% to the casino or 0.75% to you, so the most important choice you have to make when playing video poker is to pick a good machine.

Video poker is one of the better games you'll find in a casino in terms of odds. But on the other hand, catching a big jackpot is quite unlikely and even if you play every day for the rest of your life, chances are slim that you'll ever hit one. But since most players don't play according to the perfect strategy, jackpots have a tendency to grow quite rapidly.

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