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Online Keno

The ancient Chinese game of free Keno has spread around the world and grown in popularity over the years. Today it can be played in most casinos - either in special lounges or with the help of big screens and "Keno Runners" that roam the buildings. One of the things that make Keno attractive is the possibility to win massive jackpots. It takes time to build up a Black Jack fortune, but in Keno you can hit it big time in just one game.

Keno is a game of luck - there is nothing you can do to make the ping-pong balls in the machine blow the way you want them to. However, this doesn't mean that it's always a simple game. There are many types of bets in Keno and some of them are rather complex. Here You will find basic keno strategies specially for novice players. All the bets are explained and you will be able to develop a game plan that suits you perfectly. You can also read more about the fascinating origin of Keno in the history section.

However, there are a few guidelines that you can follow in order to make your keno game more enjoyable. For example, you can bet on a large number of games, so that you both enjoy playing Keno. There are games in which you can set it so that the same keno numbers are played in many games, and then you can come to the clerk at the end of the evening to pick up your winnings.

Another thing is to be on your toes if you are playing one games. This is important, since you will not be allowed to pick up any winnings if you are too late and the next keno game begins. If the next round of keno begins you forfeit your right to pick up your winnings.

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